Eco-friendly packaging How to create standards

Eco-friendly packaging How to create standards

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Eco-friendly packaging. Create standards for products How?


1. Government and various organizations provide support.

Choosing environmentally friendly packaging. and label or use symbols related to packaging for the environment It's like a product being indirectly advertised. Because the government and related organizations have campaigns and public relations to show the importance and awareness of choosing environmentally friendly packaging. Therefore, the products selected use paper boxes, paper cups, food and beverage packaging. or other environmentally friendly packaging It will also get attention.


2. Consumers are aware of purchasing or using environmental packaging.

From research data Indicates that consumers are aware of choosing environmentally friendly packaging. Therefore, entrepreneurs who choose to use environmentally friendly packaging It will gain attention from customer groups such as beverage and dessert shops. The choice of using paper coffee cups or paper cups It is clearly stated or has a product symbol label. for the environment It will also create a standard for products.


3. Innovative packaging also makes product brands gain attention.

Product brands that have developed environmentally friendly packaging. By using banana fiber which is a natural raw material. For making ready-to-eat food packaging The results of the research found that Environmental packaging from banana fibers includes envelopes, paper boxes, paper cups, paper bags. Most consumers agree that the packaging is unique, beautiful, and outstanding.

In addition, it was seen that the structure of the packaging was suitable for giving as souvenirs or souvenirs. Has a suitable structure for storage Because the product is made from banana fiber. It is a natural material that can be easily biodegraded.


4. Eco-friendly packaging Factors affecting consumer behavior

There is research indicating that Eco-friendly packaging is a factor that affects consumer behavior in choosing products or products that use environmentally friendly packaging. Because most consumers have good environmental knowledge. Have a good level of environmental attitude And there is a relatively high level of awareness of environmental marketing information. Due to campaigns and public relations of the government and related organizations.


5. Earth-saving packaging Create standards for product brands.

Product brands that choose to use environmentally friendly packaging. It is considered a strategy that helps create selling points. Make the product memorable among customers This results from the perception of consumers that choosing environmentally friendly packaging helps to improve the environment. and recognize that choosing environmentally friendly packaging reduces the amount of waste.


Creating a product brand that is memorable. In addition to the quality of the products meeting the needs Environmentally friendly packaging Also creating standards for products Be remembered more quickly by consumers.


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